Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Want To Sleep In Your Arms

I want the comfort of your wrap
I need the succulence of your blossom
To breathe the turquoise
Backdrop of ethereal mist
Is to sink into the surreal haze
In these arms I know

When I worship at your alter
There is disparity
Your warmth and sweet fruit
Bleed luscious nectar
Into the parch of throat
There is effervesce
There is the taste God on your lips

My mind and heart
Are spinning
You remixed the
The pulp of my bones
Into wispy clouds of
Meringue pillows that
Float in the turquoise sky


  1. Esse sonho ,deveria se concretizar, Newell . Beijo

  2. Suas Belas palavras , sempre tocam muito minha Alma. obrigada.
